About ihop

Do you know this feeling of frustration when you visit an “About” page of a company, and you don’t get a name, let alone a photo of the people behind the company?
Not here.

My name is Bart Van Roey, and I’m the founder of ihop bvba. I am an Organisational Psychologist by training and I had the pleasure to work all my professional life in IT projects. The first 15 years with a focus on usability: as a freelance consultant in Human Computer Interaction at first, later on as a consultant for PwC Consulting (now IBM) and for Namahn, a top level human-centered design agency.

Already in the nineties I had a keen interest in how people were collaborating using ICT. Back then, it was called groupware at the time, so I attended seminars such as “Groupware in practice” organized by IT Works in 1994, and the ACM conference  CSCW96 in Boston (cscw stands for “computer supported collaborative work”).  But apparently the time (technology? culture?) was not yet ready for a real breakthrough, so my main line of work remained usability.

It was in 2008, while working for Namahn, that I was contacted by one of the founders of The Talentbox (now Metrilio), who asked to join their new company as user interface designer for their internet based HRM solution. It was great fun designing an employee management system, or a performance management module, starting from a blank page.

That is how I came into the HR IT domain, and since then I have been on the provider side of several HR IT systems (ranging from Talentbox and Progreso to SAP HR and the HR modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX). I have been HR Business analyst and project manager for seven years, always working for providers of HR software. Now I am applying this experience to assist clients in their implementation of these HR systems. I have founded ihop to this purpose.

And again groupware has my special attention. Only today it is called Social collaboration“The new world of work” or (the term I prefer) the Digital Workplace.

The time is now…

And then I mentioned a photo on the about page...
This photo was taken earlier this year, in the preparation of the HR event on “Het Nieuwe Werken” (organized together with Orbite One, Eff3ct and Microsoft).

Bart Van Roey (ihop)

Enough about me. I am curious to learn about you. What can I do for you?
Please write me a mail to start the conversation: info at ihop dot be.


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